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Business Backup

Every year thousands of businesses are forced to close their doors due to natural disasters.  However, natural disasters are not the only threat your data may face.  Consider the effect of a fire, minor flood, broken water line, lighting strike, or hardware failure on your business.  Is your data safe and secure?

SBA research shows that at least 25% of businesses that close for the above reasons never reopen and those that do often struggle to stay in business. 

Every business should have a Data Backup plan. 

  • More that 90% of companies experiencing a major data loss never recover 100%.
  •  40-45% of businesses fail to reopen after a major theft or fire. 
  • 80% of businesses in New Orleans business district struck by Katrina were still closed 60 days after the flood.

Let us help you:

  • Establish a back up plan
  • Setup onsite backup
  • Setup offsite or online backup
  • Automate office backup